We'd love to get you connected to a small group that fits with you.
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Disciple Making 101 Classes
We are emphasizing Jesus' command to go and make disciples here at COMMUNITY! If that seems confusing or difficult, then start here with our Disciple Making 101 group.
In person on Sundays starting Oct 6th- 9am in room102
In person on Wednesdays starting Oct 2nd - 6:30pm in Com 2
Online Zoom on Thursdays starting Oct 3rd - 7:30pm Click here to join
Disciple Making 101 Handout
Sound of Hope Small Group Study
A new movie by Angel Studios about a congregation who saw a need with foster children and did something about it. Led by Alex and Dave Keeler the group will meet Wednesdays at 6:30 starting Sept. 18th.
We will have a special movie showing of Sound of Hope, Tuesday, Sept 17th at 6:30 in Com 2.
New Testament Bible Study
An inviting and interactive Bible study led by Evelyn Stout
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm in Room 105, Main Building.
Joy in the Journey Women's Group
9am in Com 1. Led by Sarah Huber and Jeri Carroll these women gather for encouragement and study.
New Study starts Sunday, Sept 8th.
Discipleship Groups
All of us are called to be followers of Jesus who make followers of Jesus, these groups help you get there. Email joel@communitychristianchurch.com to get info and get started
Sunday Morning Open Adult Bible Studies
Bible studies open to all adults whenever you can make it during both Sunday morning service hours
Sundays 9am in Main room 105 & 10:30, in Com Room 2. The Com is the back building with a glass front.
Young Families Small Group
Young couples with kids bonding and growing together led by Levon & Ellie Gothay
Sundays 10:30am, room 102, Main building.
New Study coming in the Fall
Women's Bible Study
A welcoming group of women doing DVD based studies led by Cherrie Robertson
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm, Room 102, Main Building. - Will return in the fall!
Marriage Group
An open and fun group doing marriage studies led by John & Jeri Carroll and Cody & Ashley Couch
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm, Com 1.
Wednesday Nights return Aug 21st.
Jim & Lois Knox's Small Group
A small group of people committed to growing together that meet at the Knox's house
Wednesdays 6:30-8pm, email joel@communitychristianchurch.com
Saturday Morning Men's Group
A group of men meeting for fellowship and good discussion led by Derek Huber
Saturdays 9am, Room 102, Main Building.
Starts back Sept 7th.
Young Adult Group
Young people having fun and growing together led by Paul and Leah Kanner
Thursdays 7-8:30pm, in the Com, "This Room" in the back.
We are emphasizing Jesus' command to go and make disciples here at COMMUNITY! If that seems confusing or difficult, then start here with our Disciple Making 101 group.
In person on Sundays starting Oct 6th- 9am in room102
In person on Wednesdays starting Oct 2nd - 6:30pm in Com 2
Online Zoom on Thursdays starting Oct 3rd - 7:30pm Click here to join
Disciple Making 101 Handout
Sound of Hope Small Group Study
A new movie by Angel Studios about a congregation who saw a need with foster children and did something about it. Led by Alex and Dave Keeler the group will meet Wednesdays at 6:30 starting Sept. 18th.
We will have a special movie showing of Sound of Hope, Tuesday, Sept 17th at 6:30 in Com 2.
New Testament Bible Study
An inviting and interactive Bible study led by Evelyn Stout
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm in Room 105, Main Building.
Joy in the Journey Women's Group
9am in Com 1. Led by Sarah Huber and Jeri Carroll these women gather for encouragement and study.
New Study starts Sunday, Sept 8th.
Discipleship Groups
All of us are called to be followers of Jesus who make followers of Jesus, these groups help you get there. Email joel@communitychristianchurch.com to get info and get started
Sunday Morning Open Adult Bible Studies
Bible studies open to all adults whenever you can make it during both Sunday morning service hours
Sundays 9am in Main room 105 & 10:30, in Com Room 2. The Com is the back building with a glass front.
Young Families Small Group
Young couples with kids bonding and growing together led by Levon & Ellie Gothay
Sundays 10:30am, room 102, Main building.
New Study coming in the Fall
Women's Bible Study
A welcoming group of women doing DVD based studies led by Cherrie Robertson
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm, Room 102, Main Building. - Will return in the fall!
Marriage Group
An open and fun group doing marriage studies led by John & Jeri Carroll and Cody & Ashley Couch
Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm, Com 1.
Wednesday Nights return Aug 21st.
Jim & Lois Knox's Small Group
A small group of people committed to growing together that meet at the Knox's house
Wednesdays 6:30-8pm, email joel@communitychristianchurch.com
Saturday Morning Men's Group
A group of men meeting for fellowship and good discussion led by Derek Huber
Saturdays 9am, Room 102, Main Building.
Starts back Sept 7th.
Young Adult Group
Young people having fun and growing together led by Paul and Leah Kanner
Thursdays 7-8:30pm, in the Com, "This Room" in the back.